Teach your babies with fun. Your kids will learn alphabet, numbers, fruits, body parts, vehicles, and much more. Our educational apps shows children the alphabet letters and teach them to recognize letters as they appear. As a result, preschoolers kids learn the letters sounds much more faster.
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Educational games are games explicitly designed with educational purposes, or which have incidental or secondary educational value. All types of games may be used in an educational environment. Educational games are games that are designed to teach people about certain subjects, expand concepts, reinforce development, understand an historical event or culture, or assist them in learning a skill as they play. Game types include board, card, and video games.
Game based learning (GBL) is a type of game play that has defined learning outcomes. Generally, game based learning is designed to balance subject matter with gameplay and the ability of the player to retain and apply said subject matter to the real world.
Educational entertainment (also referred to by the portmanteau "edutainment", which is education + entertainment) is any entertainment content that is designed to educate as well as to entertain. Content with a high degree of both educational and entertainment value is known as edutainment. There also exists content that is primarily educational but has incidental entertainment value. Finally, there is content that is mostly entertaining but can be seen to have some educational value.
</div> <div class="id-app-translated-desc" style="display:none">教你的孩子有乐趣。您的孩子将学习字母,数字,水果,身体部位,车辆,等等。我们的教育应用程序,显示儿童的字母,并教他们认识字母,因为它们出现。因此,学龄前儿童的孩子学习字母的声音更加快捷。
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- 教育报价
- 教育游戏为幼儿园
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- 对幼儿的教育应用程序
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- 教育游戏和应用程序为学龄前儿童
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- 对八年级学生的教育应用程序
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益智娱乐(也是由混成“寓教于乐”,这是教育+娱乐简称)是设计教育以及接受任何娱乐内容。既教育和娱乐价值的高度内容被称为教育娱乐。此外,还存在内容主要是教育,但有附带的娱乐价值。最后,还有一个内容是最有趣的,但可以看出,有一些教育价值。</div> <div class="show-more-end">